Thursday, July 7, 2011

Week 27: 2 for you, 4 for me

The baby weighs just about 2 pounds this week, about the weight of a head of cauliflower.

That does not explain the 4lbs. I've put on since last week and although I ate some good cook-out food over the 4th, nothing to explain FOUR pounds. Well, I did eat 2 pieces of cake (both corners) at a wedding Saturday (okay, and a few bites of Matt's). I got 2 pieces pretending to be nice to Matt while he was getting a drink but I secretly told him to snag his own on the way back to the table... yes, I strategically got myself 2 corners with no intention of sharing. Still, wedding slices are small and that is no 4 pounds!

I guess I should resort to more cauliflower this week and less good stuff. Hy-Vee has had some pretty displays of their colored varieties lately and they featured purple cauliflower as an ingredient on Chopped the other day so maybe I should try something new this week and go with a fun head. I'll let you know if a) I truly decide to eat more veggies or b) I say 'screw it, whats another 4 lbs' and go for 2 pounds of the baby's weight in of something good like Swedish Fish, or french fries.

You be the judge. It just dawned on me how I buckled to my maple syrup/ french toast craving I've been having over the weekend as well. French Toast Sampler from Wheatfield's... delicious but surprisingly disappointing, as the slices of bread were really thin, not the thick Texas toast thickness I was looking for. The more I think about it, the more I'm thinking maybe the 4 lbs. could be explained... stupid.

Oh well, What to Expect... said this week, the baby has more active taste buds than it will have even at birth so I can chalk it up to diversifying flavors for the baby. Obviously frosting needs to be in that mix in large amounts so I'm just helping the baby fit into the family (as if that would be a problem - actually if baby didn't like frosting it might work out better for the rest of us... Mom, Charlie, Kerri, Kenzie...).

I'm hoping the 4lbs drops before my weigh in (aka Dr.'s appointment) tomorrow and honestly, its a likely possibility. Remember my amusement with weigh-ins before and after potty breaks? It definitely fluctuates. I feel like I've had to get up more and more the past week or so but I think it stems from my growing discomfort. Every time I roll over in bed the "need to pee" scale goes from like a 2 facing one side, to a 6 mid roll, to a 22 face up (the scale only goes to 10), back down to a 6 and finally to a 2 onto the other side. At that point, I'm half awake and forced to weigh the options. Do I stay put and fall back asleep or do I go deal with the pee to spare myself of the crappiness of my bladder waking me up in a few hours? The worst part is that even if I get up, I know I will still have to deal with the crappiness in a few hours. Baby + Bladder = no sleep. And the best is yet to come right?? Summer will get hotter, baby will get bigger, and discomfort will grow. 3 more months!

**For those of you reminiscing over the past few days about Matt and I and how great we are, here is a little recap of where we were on the 4th of July just 2 short years ago. MATTLOVESKATY 
Talk about fireworks. Who knew 2 short years later, I'd be hosting a head of cauliflower?

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel bad, Katy... I think I gained 4 lbs. over the 4th, too... and I am definitely NOT pregnant!
    YIKES for me, BABY for you!!

    (Trying to think of a dessert recipe with cauliflower.........)
