Thursday, May 26, 2011

Onesies, Twosies, Pinksies, Bluesies

Again, it is a good thing we do not know the baby's sex. The maternity part of the Gap is strategically placed in the back of Baby Gap and I think Matt's mom, sister, and myself could have easily bought one of everything in the store. Luckily, not knowing meant the only baby purchase this weekend was this...

Thanks Katharine! Emily will appreciate this too I'm sure!

Speaking of onesies, I spotted this on an endcap at Target.

It's not that cute but um, hello? This is funny. Matt is a Sheriff's deputy. He has corrected me many times when I say he's a Sheriff ("there is only 1 sheriff, Katy") which is funny because he is essentially admitting his place to the "new sheriff" who comes to town in October. Obviously this is for a boy and obviously I had to balance things out and get a girl onesie too.

Since Matt has hipster glasses, I thought a hipster baby was a good idea. Now we have one for each. Thanks Target clearance rack! I don't know what is more dangerous, buying 1 of each whenever I have an impulse to buy, or just knowing what it is and clearing out the Baby Gap. For now, $3 clearance onesies will have to do.

I started compiling a list of names I like (no, I'm not telling you any) and gave Matt the list to "edit." I knew he wouldn't like a lot of them but I was shocked to find he hated most of them. Out of 69 girls names, he strongly eliminated all but 19. That's 50 names crossed out! And of the remaining 19, he only actually likes about 5. The other 14 he doesn't like, he just doesn't hate as much as the first 50. Out of my 23 boys names, he left 3. 3 stinkin' names. Obviously boys names were harder for me to come up with too but come on! After massacre on my lists, I asked him to make a list of 5 boy names and 5 girl names he thought were good. His 5 boy names were all ridiculous and I am confident that I hate them more than he could hate any of the names that made my lists. They wouldn't even make my top 1,000 names lists. As for his girls' list, he has come up with 1 so far (and its been over a week). This is not going to be easy.

Oh, Namesies. What to do-sies? (get it, inner circle?)

1 comment:

  1. Yes.

    ...and I am pretty sure I have given you the only name you need.

    Rod Core
