Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Week 20: Zoeisms

This week is halfway through pregnancy. "Thats Bananas" (click to hear the real deal)

If you were concerned that the baby's girth is shrinking, this week marks a shift in measurement. Rather than measuring the baby curled up "crown to rump," they now measure the length head to toe. So, the baby is not the size of a banana, its the length of a banana. "Bananas." My little chiquita is accumulating a "black gooey substance" (meconium) in its bowels, the beginnings of the first dirty diaper! Whoever changes it gets to hold this first...

Why are there so many pictures on the internet of babies as produce? Anne Geddes would be proud.

Aside from a crib and changing table that I ordered being delivered yesterday, Chiquita got more baby gear this week. This gift is one of my favorites (probably THE favorite, sorry everyone). It was handmade by my friend Laura, the day we told everyone we were pregnant. She cranked it out within a few hours but kept forgetting to give it to us. Finally, its here...

Sooooo cute! Laura crocheted some presents for me to give Patrick and Matt this past Christmas and they were FANTASTIC. "I died." Below is an example of her Christmas masterpieces.

I can't wait to have the first bearded baby. Combine the patterns and get crocheting Laura!

Finally, this past week I also heard some exciting news. My good friend Allison got engaged to her sweetie Vince, and I am SOOOO thrilled for them!

I'm not sure what is with the back to back thing, but apparently, we do it a lot and subconsciously must each have a "good" side.

Vince is the one in the blue shirt if you were wondering what his head looked like. I can't wait for all of the celebrations and showers leading up to the wedding and of course, the wedding itself! Yay for Vince and Allison!

That's Chiquita celebrating the engagement. It's just "Ba-nanas!"


  1. Sounds like Uncle Pat needs to make some banana bread for the little chiquita!
    Or... is that mom needs to make some banana bread for the little chiquita AND for Uncle Pat?? (I know, Matt wants nuts in his....along with Grandpa!)

  2. P.S. LOVE, the hat, Laura! CONGRATS, Allison.... so HAPPY for you!
