Lots of people visited us (nice to see you all)
We were well-fed (thanks for all the meals)
Baby photo-shoot (Jaybee Images - highly recommended)
Benji preferred the nights (thank god that was just a phase)
Banjo’s new cousin was officially announced (April 15th D-day)
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first cousin pic |
baby on board! |
Babies love dress-up (so many cute outfits to choose from)
Bingo was a candy corn for Halloween (or a sugar-corn as Maria called it)
I did not eat Benji (don’t let the picture confuse you)
Benji prefers noise and chaos to sleep in (convenient)
We got a new car to better accommodate a carseat (one step closer to a mini van)
Bye bye CC, hello Passat (its white, for those of you like me who can’t picture car models, but can see colors)
Benji turned 1 month (where'd the time go?)
Banjo grunts (its pretty funny and happens a lot)
Banjo rips ass (his farts are like 15 seconds long)
Banjo smiles! (best thing ever)
The dogs love Benji (duh)
Gus gives kisses and Benji laughs (I’ve tried to curb Gus’ toilet water habit)
Walter tried to sniff Benji and they shocked each other (Wally=scared of baby for 24 hours)
0-3 month clothes started getting tight (glad those were useful for 6 weeks)
Patrick A. Tefft, Esq. got a job (woot woot)
Benji slept through Thanksgiving (serious food coma – most sleeping in a day ever!)
I went back to work (cried 3 times)
I came home to Matt with the baby and the vacuum on (white noise)
Benji is cooing and gooing up a storm (so funny to see what triggers the chatter)
Spit bubbles! (easily amused – the baby, not Matt)
Banjo’s first snow (that first one was pretty with the chunky snowflakes)
Benji turned 2 months and Matt celebrated 11 months (what a devout catholic)
Vaccinations (they knocked him out for 3 days. Scary but productive days for me)
95% for weight, 90% for height and 97% for head circumference (Heed! Pants! Now!)
We put up a Christmas tree (lights are mesmerizing)
We sing Christmas carols (he loves my singing and the songs I make up)
Pumping at work is a pain (lock in office = installed)
Baptism prep classes (I had no idea you had to go to class for this. Be forewarned so you can plan accordingly)
I was scared of clipping nails until my boob got clawed (snip, snip)
Benji snores occasionally (we’ve been going to bed around 8 or 9 – yes we’ve and I’m yawning)
And that puts us here! Today! Hopefully Benji starts doing funny stuff so we can keep this thing rolling.
Im so glad that you're going to keep doing your blog!! Love to see these pictures he's so freaking adorable!