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Technically I am 8 weeks and 5/8 today says the nurse at the doctor's office. That's right, we had our first appointment today! Woo Hoo! It was actually boring and uneventful. I peed in a cup to confirm that my barfy food issues, cravings and lack of my "monthly gift" were in fact pregnancy. Glad we got that cleared up. Approximate due date is October 5th. She informed me that I should avoid citrus to aide in my nausea. Thanks for that, I ate 15 clementines this weekend. No problems yet though... Next, I got a flu shot (tsk tsk for not having done that) which seemed silly since I already had a lovely bout of the flu as mentioned in a previous post. TB test, check, and finally they took some blood. "Oh this arm is good, here are 2 good veins." Poke 1, "hmm, I know its in there." Poke 2, "come on, I can see it." Dig around with needle in arm, "there we go!" Thanks lady.
The final advice nurse lady gave me was to get What to Expect While You're Expecting.
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Thanks nurse lady but Nurse Furr beat you to it! Courtney sent me the pregnancy bible along with one to make me go less insane, Belly Laughs.
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I've read up to my 8 week point in Expecting and thought I might wait for the Belly Laughs until I get a little more belly. Something to look forward to! Thanks Court!
I go back March 28th to see my doctor and not just a nurse and hopefully, we will get to hear a heartbeat. The planning/picking of a doctor/hospital has been causing me some stress. My current location isn't one of the new, state-of-the-art woman's hospitals that Omaha offers but how do you get hospital referrals when you aren't telling people you are pregnant? Thanks to Courtney (the only person who knows at this point) and some google action, I think I have a general idea of whats "good" and unfortunately, my doctor, who I LOVE, does not deliver at the "best" hospital and to my understanding, doctors are tied to their hospital affiliations. We are forging ahead though and have decided to wait until we actually meet with her to discuss our concerns and see what she thinks.
In other news, I have been having vivid hallucinating dreams at night. In my first one, I was in labor and then, even though my body was in labor, I was also in between my own legs yanking the baby out (I credit this to watching One Born Every Minute on Lifetime = a must see!). It was a girl. I have this weird feeling the bean is a girl but according to week 8 reports, gender is not yet determined. I always thought of a "first" being a boy, probably because that is the way it is in my family, but I'm not having boy feelings. I don't want to find out the gender though so we will find out that surprise later!
The next vivid dream I had was being in a school with a shooter running loose. Great dream right? Turns out, the shooter was a little Gary Coleman look-a-like who was about 8 and he spotted me in an empty cafeteria hiding under a table. Eye contact, gun pointed, wake up. Thank God. Too many crime shows I guess.
My magic bean had me hallucinating again last night and I dreamed I was at the dance studio where I taught/took lessons growing up. I was dancing and for some reason, I decided I needed to move my car. I picked up a Nalgene bottle full of wine, CHUGGED it, and went out to move my car (this parking like is like a strip mall, there are only 2 rows to park in - every spot is close). I peeled out, and attempted to re-park my car facing the studio (a whole 10 feet away). It took a couple of trys and I finally settled in a spot. Out of the studio rushed like 3 people and they were yelling "What did you hit? What was that noise?" I had rammed my front into a big concrete pillar on the structure of the building and my car was smashed. A police man happened to be next to my car and they were all concerned with the damage to my car. I was panicking for a few reasons, a) Matt was going to be pissed about my car b) I was wasted from my wine chug and Matt would be pissed if I got a DUI c) Would they believe I was NOT drunk? Afterall I was pregnant! Wake Up. WHAT?!? Why was I dreaming of drinking and driving?? And doing it while pregnant?!? Weird little magic bean, really weird.
My final report for week 8 is that food is getting better. I can tolerate much more (I'm not sure if that is good or bad) and more things are sounding good. There are a few things I have wanted really badly then once I eat them, I want to vomit thinking about them. Unfortunately, the Velveeta cheese products have not fallen into that category. I was pleased with my weigh-in today at the doctor's though so maybe tomorrow I'll start to do better ~ it is the beginning of a new month! For now, we will feed my magic beans whatever its little heart desires and in return, keep hallucinating.